Those of the Faerie Faith are creating a sacred life based on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors that includes being at one with nature. Can one be Dianic and Faerie and Druidic, Christian, even? There is nothing in any teachings that tell the followers what to believe. The Celtic people were a collection of tribes held loosely together by a common language. They shared similar beliefs, but their deities were local to them. That is because their deities and sacred traditions focused on the Land, Sea and Sky right where they lived. They were the center of their own Universe. Many of them held a belief in One Source as the Giver of Life while at the same time saw many sources as sacred and deified them as well.
We are the main branch of the Apple Tree Apple Branch
There are currently four active (taking students) Faerie Queens in Texas and two in Brazil.
The Faeries Are Gathering by Elaine Silver
Our origins lie in what was originally called the Hyperborean Tradition, created by Mark Roberts (Boreas and Merlin of Avalon) in Dallas, Texas, in the late 70’s, early 80’s. Mark joined with Epona in Atlanta, Georgia and they created the Faerie Faith Tradition from the Hyperborean, together. There are currently covens in Georgia and Alabama. Mark eventually returned to Dallas and those of us who practice in Texas, obtained our lineage directly from Merlin of Avalon and Morgan of Avalon.
The Tenets of Our Faith
We have traveled across time and space to be joined within this realm!
Let us begin with the words of the Tenets of our Faith, New Words for a New Era.
I perceive Mother Nature as my spiritual reality.
I believe that Her Mother is the ultimate deity.
I love all Her children and wish them to know,
We are bonded by Love,
As above, so below.
Faerie Faith holds a belief in One Source, as well as honoring many goddesses as archetypes of women, just as there are many creatures all birthed from that One Source. We choose to call that Source is the Giver of Life. You might say that it is even a political statement. The energy of who a mother is and what she feels for her children, how she loves, unconditionally. We believe that this is the energy needed in our world today. As a part of that we hold dear those we call Faerie, who are the spirits in nature as well as those from the Otherworld.
We incorporate a way of life that is based on the beliefs and practices of the ancient Celtic people. Our teachings evolved from the Shamanistic philosophies of the early people who merged to form the Celts. Thus, our ways are deeply rooted in the Ways of Nature and the Otherworld, a belief structure centered around the concept of “balance in all things.” In-depth study of the Ogham in integral to our Tradition.
The Celtic Tree Mysteries
The Celtic Tree mysteries provide the backbone of our teaching and the cycles for the sacred year. We are guided through each lunar and solar event and festival, learning the cycles of the year, the movement of the energies of the Earth and how to better prepare for the esoteric changes that occur around and within us as the year progresses.
The Mysteries of the Trees also teach us about ourselves and our environment. When truly understood, the Celtic Tree Mysteries also bring about profound personal change and a deepening of our spiritual core.
Service to the Land is an important part of our focus. We believe that there are many paths to enlightenment and to truth … no one path is “better” than another. All have validity.
Magic is viewed as a potential for creation. A potential that exists within all things…living and non-living. We draw upon this energy and the energy within ourselves to bring into manifestation that which is needed for the highest good of self and others. We give thanks and offerings respectfully as we know we still have much to learn.
Our cosmos is made up of three interconnected realms…Land, Sea and Sky interwoven with the Sacred Fire, the Divine Spark within all living and non-living beings.
We are a Dianic Tradition. Our primary group is for women only. However, we are currently forming a multi-gender group. We offer full mentoring services for all with access to over 130 courses in our Liminal Thealogical Center. Won’t you consider joining us? Fees are a low $20.00 per month That is less than a dinner out! Use the contact form (Contact Us tab) to reach out!