Aine’s Grove

Aine’s Grove

Faerie Faith and the Celtic Tree Mysteries

The Celtic Tree mysteries provide the backbone of our teaching and the cycles for the sacred year. We are guided through each lunar and solar event and festival, learning the cycles of the year, the movement of the energies of the Earth and how to better prepare for the esoteric changes that occur around and within us as the year progresses.

The Mysteries of the Trees also teach us about ourselves and our environment. When truly understood, the Celtic Tree Mysteries also bring about profound personal change and a deepening of our spiritual core.

Service to Goddess and to the Land is an important part of our focus. We believe that there are many paths to enlightenment and to truth … no one path is “better” than another. All have validity. As such those of the Apple Branch serve in a variety of ways. All are trained to assist others in life passages. There are those who specialize in the healing arts. They may be teachers, counselors and artists. There are those who serve as “edge walkers” and who specialize in the awareness of and use of energy. Regardless of the specialty, all work with the natural order of life, in balance and harmony with all.

Primarily we identify as witches and as Bandrui. Service to the Goddess and to humanity is an important part of a Bandrui’s life and character.

Magic is viewed as a potential for creation. A potential that exists within all things…living and non-living. We draw upon this energy and the energy within ourselves to bring into manifestation that which is needed for the highest good of self and others. We give thanks and offerings respectfully as we know we still have much to learn.

We are an initiatory tradition. Our students attend the Liminal Thealogical Seminary. Upon completion of all requirements, we offer high priestess ordination (becoming Faerie Queens) as well as a Master of Divinity degree.